Why Transportation Networks Matter During A Home Search

Posted on: 1 August 2022


If you are hunting for a home, you should assess your target neighborhood's transportation network or infrastructure. For example, you should assess the roads, traffic density, and airports. The transport network will affect various aspects of your life once you move into your new home. Below are some reasons to pay special attention to the transportation system.

Commute Cost

The distance from the house to work and the available transportation opportunities determine your commute costs. For example, the two determine:

  • The cost of fuel or fare
  • The cost of wear and tear on the car (such as tire wear) if you drive
  • Parking fees if the neighborhood lacks adequate public transportation

All these things will affect your average cost of living in the area, and a high standard of living might make you regret the home purchase.

Work-life Balance

A long commute commits a considerable chunk of your time to your work. Say you spend a lot of time sitting in traffic (due to road congestion) or live far from your workplace, you will likely leave for work early and come back to the house late daily. Such a schedule reduces the quality of life outside the workplace.

Property Resale Value

Many people value good transportation networks. A neighborhood with good infrastructure that allows public and private transportation means is more desirable than a restrictive neighborhood in terms of transportation options. Thus, a good transportation network may help increase your home's value.

Health Factors

Although many people love neighborhoods with good transportation networks, living too close to some transportation infrastructures is bad for your health. For example, proximity to busy highways exposes you to dust, debris, and noises that affect your health in various ways. Similarly, living close to an airport exposes you daily to loud noises.

Lifestyle Preference

Lastly, different lifestyles call for different commutes or transportation options. For example, some people prefer the hustle and bustle of living close to good transportation hubs or networks. They use the infrastructure to move around and get things done fast. On the other hand, others prefer a relatively quiet lifestyle that they can only get in secluded areas.

Hopefully, you will get a neighborhood whose transportation network fits your lifestyle. Remember to prioritize your needs and wants and forward them to your real estate agent. The realtor will use the list to narrow down the available properties and help you get the house you want. 

For more information about residential real estate, contact a local agent.