Think You May Need To Sell Your Home? Start Preparing Now

Posted on: 13 January 2017


Do you suspect that you'll be moving and selling your home within the next year? Even if you're not 100% certain you'll be selling yet, it's in your best interest to start preparing for that possibility now. This way, if you do decide to sell, you won't be left with a mile-long list of things to do at the last minute. Here are four ways to start preparing for that possible sale in advance.

Start looking for realtors.

If you wait until the last minute to find a realtor, you may be left hiring whoever's available first. Different realtors have expertise in different neighborhoods and with different types of homes, so it's worth your while to do some research and find the best fit. Talk to friends and relatives who have sold homes recently, read reviews online, and maybe even stop into local real estate offices to chat with a few realtors. Make a list of three or four realtors who you think would be a good fit so when the time does come to sell, all you need to do is make a few phone calls.

Tidy up the landscaping.

If your landscaping is not pristine, now is the time to start making improvements. Planting grass and adding new bushes are not things you can do at the last minute, after all, since plants need to grow and become established. Trim bushes, sow grass seed over bald patches, and add some more flowers to your beds. If your landscape is really in need of an overhaul, consider hiring professionals to give it a complete makeover. Even if you don't end up moving any time soon, the updated look will increase your home value.

Research home values.

If you work with a good realtor, they'll properly analyze the market in your area to help you set a fair asking price for your home. But it's still wise to go into this endeavor with some idea of what your home is worth, so you can tell whether your realtor is on the right track or not. Check real estate apps to keep an eye on the homes in your neighborhood that sell over the next few months. Compare each one to your home. Is it newer? Does it have more bedrooms? Ask yourself, "if that home is worth $X, how much is mine worth?" You may also notice that homes with certain features sell for a lot more. This gives you the opportunity to add these features to your home before it comes time to sell.